Blogition: (A word we made up for blog tuition)
Are blogs a useful resource? Are they a time-consuming task that we feel we must do because everyone else is doing them? What is the benefit of blogging? Is blogging a thing of the past…or are we just getting started?
We get asked these questions from many of our clients. First off, they can be a useful resource – this depends a lot on your audience and what you’re trying to achieve.
Ask yourself – why are you writing it?
A blog can be a great provider of traffic to your website or social media but it will only appear in a search if it’s a searched for topic. For example, if we wrote a blog about nice beaches in Cornwall, we’d have a hell of a lot of competition as there are many out there already. If we wrote a blog about the best nudist beaches in Cornwall* then we’d be hitting more of a niche, although it may be a lesser-searched for topic, we’re more likely to rank higher up. It’s always good to answer a question. Google what it is you’re thinking of blogging about and see what already exists. It might be that what’s already out there is poorly written or still leaves you asking questions…so answer those questions!
Blogging can also help with your SEO but you need to ensure your keywords are within the text, especially the title and subtitle as this is what people will be searching for. It’s also good to bear in mind, that although visual content is great, generally receives more interaction and we recommend it, it holds no SEO value so you need to find a good balance.
In some cases, it may be that you already have a good following on your blog and you just want to tell an interesting or inspiring story to those followers. This is good too as it encourages engagement and interaction but you need that initial following to do that.
So yes, we believe there is still a place for blogging and it can be highly beneficial to your business. Just remember:
Ask yourself why you are writing it?
Does it already exist?
Does it answer a question or provide useful/ valuable information?
Is it visually engaging or tell an inspiring story?
If you’ve got that covered, get blogging!
*We currently have no plans to write about the best nudist beaches in Cornwall.