Supermarket Siesta
We were invited to take part in the Supermarket Siesta campaign in September 2016, a month-long celebration of artisanal produce, challenging people to switch from the supermarkets to the specialists. Through our work during the creative process, we were commissioned to deliver event photography, film and email marketing spanning all Supermarket Siesta online partners including Hotel Chocolat, Bloom & Wild, Whittard of Chelsea, Naked Wines and amazing Cornish online seafood business; Fish for Thought.
The Plot
Working towards the main Supermarket Siesta event at the Hello Fresh HQ in London, we supported Fish for Thought with their stand design – a virtual reality Cornish experience – allowing participants to enjoy the finest seafood dinner on the beach, complete with sea breeze, as well as social media coverage, photography and film. For Supermarket Siesta, we delivered a full programme of email mailshots before, during and post event, communicating for the entire Supermarket Siesta community with compelling and engaging content. We also covered event photography and filming, to capture the day to its full potential, including an interview with guest speaker Gizzi Erskine.
What happened next?
Not only did we take on the Supermarket Siesta challenge ourselves (consuming copious amounts of outrageously tasty food and drink in the process), we successfully delivered on all aspects of the brief for Fish for Thought as well as twelve different national and international businesses under the broader Supermarket Siesta umbrella. It was an incredible project and we’re very proud to have been involved. We challenge you to watch this without feeling insanely hungry….